It’s winter season! Did you know it’s finally winter season? Because it’s winter season and it’s exciting! There are so many vacation and travel opportunities, so many fun stuff to do and so many friends to meet again. A lot of amazing countries around the world actually light up and gets trending because of the […]
The Countries To Visit For The year 2020
Stoked about 2020? Well, don’t get too excited, we’re only half-way through 2019. That gives us an ample amount of time to save money for a vacation FOR 2020. That’s a new year and a new time to get started on your own trips. It’s about time that you get out there yourself and actually […]
Let’s Go To Andalusia!
Spain. We all know about Spain. Southern Spain is where we can find Andalusia, a region of the country itself that is so full of beautiful landscape and tourist destinations as well as culture. You might be familiar with its capital, Seville, since it boasts such a beautiful plaza that everyone would want to visit […]
Travelling vs Paying off Debt
I will turn 30 at the beginning of next year. To me, this is the first big birthday anniversary which rightfully deserves a huge celebration. I have had relatively quiet birthday parties to celebrate turning 18, 21 and 25, but turning 30 has somehow carried a much greater significance. I mean, c’mon, I will finally become […]